exercises for weight loss

7 Exercises To lose Thigh fat and Obtain Sexy Thighs fast!

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Who does not want to get lose thigh fat, right?

The Thigh Fat reduction exercises mentioned here along with the special Diet tips for fast thigh fat loss will gift you with sculpted legs in no time!

The only cozier approach of thigh fat loss is to maintain a proper weight loss friendly diet along with doing certain kinds of exercises for thigh fat that will effectively bring you in shape in no time…

So let’s begin…

7 EXERCISES TO GET RID OF STUBBORN THIGH FATS.These exercises will help you in attaining slimmer and stronger legs in few weeks without the need of following any strict training regime.(“Disclosure: unravellingfitness is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program, read the privacy policy for more.”)


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Mentioned below are the Top 7 Thigh Fat Reduction Exercises that will help you to lose thigh fat and in toning up your thighs in a short span of time:

Thigh Fat Loss Exercise #1


squats for losing thigh fat
©Gesina Kunkel@happyveganfit.de


Squats are one of the simplest yet effective leg exercises out there that can magically help you to reduce thigh fats.

  • They promote muscle building and helps in burning fat at a rapid rate.
  • It enhances the flexibility of the muscles and tones the abs and back muscles.
  • They have whole-body benefits and promotes stability of the connective tissues of the legs.


  • Stand straight with feet at shoulder-width apart
  • Hinge your knees and hips like you were sitting on an invisible chair
  • Raise your arms parallel to the ground to find a better balance
  • At the bottom, your thighs need to be parallel to the ground
  • Keep the back straight throughout and feet glued to the ground
  • Slightly press via the heels to again stand straight

This is one rep. Depending on your fitness level, try to do 2 to 4 sets of 10 reps each.

You can use some dumbells to add some resistance to obtain better fruits.


  • Remember to use your heels to come back up to your normal positions instead of using your toes.
  • Keep your heels glued to the ground throughout the workout
  • Keep your back arched and straight

Thigh Fat Reduction Exercise #2


This is one of the most effective and easy exercises to do to tone your thigh muscles and to lose thigh fat.

They, other than reducing the thigh fat also help in the loss of the fat in the waist region.


  • Stand with your feet together
  • Slowly extend one leg while keeping the upper body straight until the thigh is parallel to the floor mat. (Knee bent at 90-degree angle)
  • Pull it back and return to the standing position.
  • Repeat the process for the other leg too.

Do about 10 repetitions in each set and do a total of 2 to 4 sets.

Advanced users can use dumbbells for better effects.

Thigh Fat Loss Exercise #3


Burpees are regarded as the most effective exercises for not only the thigh fat reduction but for triggering the fat burning process of your whole body.

It helps in toning the entire body and enhances its flexibility.

Practicing burpees in the right manner needs a lot of energy and hence burns a lot of calories. Burpees help in the all over the improvement of the chest, leg and the lower stomach muscles.


  • Stand freely with your feet at shoulder-width distance.
  • Dive into a squat by bending the knees.
  • Place your hands on the ground in front of you.
  • Now slowly shift your body weight onto them.
  • While keeping your hands extended kick your legs back which will result in a straight line formation from your head to the feet.
  • Next again jump back to the earlier starting position while keeping your hands extended.
  • Now stand up and again repeat the process again.

Do about 12 to 20 Burpees as spontaneously you can.

Start with 2 to 3 sets and slowly upgrade your game along the course.

Thigh Fat Reduction Exercise #4


It is probably the easiest exercise one can do to get their leg muscles in shape.

This exercise is also great for back muscles and that of the lower abdomen.


    • Lie down on your back and gently lift one leg up
    • Lift it as upwards you can and start making small circular rotations in the air, five times in anticlockwise direction and five times in the clockwise direction
    • If you have problems making full circles then start with making half-circles at the beginning
    • Do this for about 4 times for each leg
    • Continue doing three sets as a beginner

Thigh Fat Loss Exercise #5


Jumping jack is a full-body workout that helps in burning fat at a rapid rate and involves all the significant muscles of your body. It helps in strengthening your core and calf muscles and in making your thighs get intact in shape.


    • Stand relaxed with your feet together
    • Jump and quickly split your legs apart and raise your arms above your head
    • Then jump again to get back to the previous position
    • Do this for 3 sets with about 12 to 15 repetitions in each set

Thigh Fat Reduction Exercise #6


Step-ups are extremely simple to perform and are productive in strengthening up your knees and calf muscles and in losing thigh fat. You can do it using stairs in your home or using step machines or even small short tools.


    • Step on and off a stair or a tool with your two legs in an alternative manner at a fast pace
    • Do a total of about 3 sets each with 10 repetitions involving both right and left legs
    • These are highly easy to execute and also fun to do and hence can be done to about 5 times a week to see some quick results

Thigh Fat Loss Exercise #7



exercises for weight loss


Running is the most effective exercise one can do to burn fat in a fast manner from their body. They are regarded as the most suited form of exercise to not only lose thigh fat but also the fat content of the whole body.

  • They help in enhancing the oxygen supply to the body and in getting your whole body pumped up.
  • Running will help in strengthening your hamstrings, calves, inner thigh muscles and also the glutes.
  • It naturally challenges your core muscles and helps in better development of your stamina and balance of your overall body.
  • I, in my journey of losing 59 pounds, started with jogging about 20 minutes a day in the evening. I used to end the day by running at full speed for about two to three minutes. These cardio exercises along with some simple diet tweaks and habitual changes resulted in the loss of a considerable amount of weight in a short time without hitting the gym. Read about it here.
  • Best Time to Run: Researches have shown that a suitable time to run is within the period of 4 PM to about 7 PM when the body temperature of the human body tends to remain higher slightly.

However many people find it easy to go out running in the early morning.

It varies from individuals to individuals but the key is to find a suitable period of time for the running schedule and to remain stuck with it.

 HOW TO GET RID OF THIGH FAT: The Thigh Fat Loss Diet Plan

Weight Loss Tips for breakfast:


  • Add Greek Yogurt in your diet:

Researches have shown that people who include yogurt in their daily diets end up losing more weight than the people who did not, even though all of them consumed the same kinds of food items every day.

P.S. Always go for the unsweetened yogurts as these serve as an excellent source for vitamin and other nutrients like calcium, magnesium. They will help in improving your bowel movement too.

  • Add Eggs to your everyday Breakfast:

Eggs are a killer weight-loss food. It contains many nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, a variety of vitamins like A, B, D, and E; riboflavin; and other minerals like manganese, selenium, zinc.

All these make them a very healthy and dependable option for breakfast.

Instead of frying eggs try consuming them in boiled or poached form.

  • Bombard your diet with HIGH-FIBER Food items:


High fiber food items are scientifically proven to contribute to weight loss. They also help in a smooth bowel movement and keeps you full for longer periods of time.

Some weight loss-friendly high fiber food items are as follows:

  • Lentils
  • Brown rice
  • Whole-grain bread
  • Raspberries
  • Broccoli
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Beetroots
  • Sweet potato
  • Fruits like Kiwi, grapefruit, pears, avocadoes, apples, mangoes, etc.
  • For a more comprehensive list of breakfast food items read this post on 37 Breakfast Foods for Optimal Weight Loss

Lunch Diet Tip Ideas:

There is a common belief that weight-loss diets are “boring” and “dull”.

However, I feel until and unless you enjoy your diet plan you won’t be able to stick with it for the long run.

There are lots and lots of ways by which you can have a completely healthy “Calorie controlled” lunch diet that will serve your taste buds in an awesome manner.

Read this post for some brilliant weight loss-friendly ideas: 24 Delicious Healthy Lunches That Will Help You Lose Weight

7 Basic Diet Tips for Thigh fat loss:

  • Always start off your day with some heavy breakfast and have your dinner a few hours before hitting the bed
  • Never ever skip breakfast! Starving won’t help you to lose weight faster and on the contrary, you will miss out on some essential nutrients which will  lead to fatigue
  • Instead of having three meals daybreak it up into 5 to 6 meals shorter meals. This will ensure that your appetite is always fulfilled and will prevent you from overeating
  • Eat slowly instead of gobbling the food up. Chew each portion for about 12 to 18 times before swallowing it. This will help in quick digestion of the food and in better absorption of the nutrients
  • Cut off foods that are rich in sugar especially the sugary drinks, packed fruit juices or any other kind of drinks
  • Use smaller plates which will make your smaller servings look sufficiently large. This is a simple psychological trick that has been proven to work. This hack will help you from overeating. Remember all these small contributions will lead to fulfilling the bigger goal
  • Eat food that is rich in protein like egg whites, fishes, chicken breasts, milk, beans, etc. Also whenever you are having a craving go for fresh fruits and vegetable soups. Add more vegetables in your diet


Also Read:


Usually, it takes a few weeks to see some quick changes in the thigh region and the most important point is to not lose focus and stay on a proper exercise regime. I hope you learned some of the basic steps you can take to lose thigh fat at home naturally without a gym membership.

All these thigh fat reduction exercises coupled with these weight loss diet tips can lead to spontaneous fat loss in a short amount of time. If you are into yoga then try reading out this guide on How to use yoga to get rid of thigh fat.

Good Luck!





7 EXERCISES TO GET RID OF STUBBORN THIGH FATS.These thigh fat reduction exercises will help you in attaining slimmer and stronger legs in few weeks without the need of following any strict training regime.


EXERCISES FOR LEGS AND THIGHS: The thigh slimming workouts will help you in toning both the inner thigh and the outer thigh and will help you to trim the tiresome thigh fat and transform your legs into sexier version in no time. You will gain strong legs and toned inner and outer thighs via using these exercises in a matter of a few weeks if done properly. The toned thigh workout will help in working the inner thigh muscles and the outer thigh muscles along with the whole leg to enhance the strength overall and in making the thighs look toned. The thigh tightening exercises ,often times termed as thigh slimming workouts, are awesome for getting the upper thighs and the lower thighs in shape and in enhancing the overall thigh fat weight loss process.


EXERCISES FOR LEGS AND THIGHS: The thigh slimming workouts will help you in toning both the inner thigh and the outer thigh and will help you to trim the tiresome thigh fat and transform your legs into sexier version in no time. You will gain strong legs and toned inner and outer thighs via using these exercises in a matter of a few weeks if done properly. The toned thigh workout will help in working the inner thigh muscles and the outer thigh muscles along with the whole leg to enhance the strength overall and in making the thighs look toned. The thigh tightening exercises ,often times termed as thigh slimming workouts, are awesome for getting the upper thighs and the lower thighs in shape and in enhancing the overall thigh fat weight loss process.
7 EXERCISES TO GET RID OF STUBBORN THIGH FATS.These thigh fat reduction exercises will help you in attaining slimmer and stronger legs in few weeks without the need of following any strict training regime. Losing weight at home fast in a week has never been easier. Follow these stpes to lose thigh fat fast.Losing weight is not about working hard, its about working in a smart manner that will help you to acieve better goals in less time. These exercises for losing weight will enhance your flexibilkity and in helping to to lose weight fast.
7 EXERCISES TO GET RID OF STUBBORN THIGH FATS.These thigh fat reduction exercises will help you in attaining slimmer and stronger legs in few weeks without the need of following any strict training regime. Losing weight at home fast in a week has never been easier. Follow these stpes to lose thigh fat fast.


7 EXERCISES TO GET RID OF STUBBORN THIGH FATS.These thigh fat reduction exercises will help you in attaining slimmer and stronger legs in few weeks without the need of following any strict training regime.

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