morning yoga routine

7 Yoga Asanas You Should Do Every Day: The Ideal Morning Yoga Routine

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Wanna have the perfect “Morning Yoga Routine”?

Yup, you are in the right place cause here we have shared the 7 yoga poses you should practice every day.

We have made sure all these poses involve different muscles of our body.

All these 7 (+1Bonus) Yoga stretches will involve your whole body and Doing these consistently will help you improve your:

  • overall mobility and flexibility
  • Relieving from emotional tension 
  • Will help you feel more grounded and calm

home workout

So without any delay lets dive into your ideal “Morning yoga routine” involving the 7 yoga poses that you should do every day:

1. Bridge – The Bandha Sarvangasana

Back pain is a thing that most people are accustomed to these days.

This workout is a tremendous cure for that problem. 

  • I suffered a fatal injury while trying to lift some weights a few years back and it used to come back and haunt me at times. I tried physiotherapy and other stuff which seemed to work for a while but was not able to sort out the issue properly.
  • I practice yoga since I was a 5-year-old kid, however, I did not do this asana frequently…When things were not working out properly I started doing this asana multiple times a day…and boom….in three weeks time…my pain was completely gone!

So I cant recommend this workout enough if you are suffering from spine issues or back problems.

Even if you don’t have back issues this workout will help in strengthening the spine and in shaping your back muscles. 

The bridge pose also requires you to open your chest which will help you in better breathing later on.

What is the bridge pose good for?

Benefits of Bridge Pose are as follows:
  • Bridge Pose opens up the stress in chest, heart, and shoulders
  • It helps in stretching the spine, the thighs, and the front hip joints
  •  The yoga pose stimulates the abdominal organs and thyroid glands, which further helps in improving digestion and to regulate metabolism
  • Extremely good for taking care of old injuring in the back
  • Great for people spending most of their day sitting in a particular position

How to do the bridge pose:

  • Lie on the floor, and Bend your knees and keep your feet on the floor comfortably. the fingers of your hand should touch the heels of your feet in a gentle manner
  • While Exhaling press your inner feet and arms into the floor, push your lower back up firming the buttocks, and lift the butt off the floor until your thighs are parallel to the floor mat. This will give rise to a bridge-like shape
  • Stay in the pose for about 30 seconds. Slowly go back to starting position while exhaling

Caution for Bridge Pose:

  • Do not perform this yoga pose if you have a serious neck or shoulder injury
  • If you have any medical issues regarding your neck, spine or back, talk with your doctor before practicing this yoga

2. Downward Dog

This is a great workout for you if wanna strengthen you:

  • Hamstrings
  •  Back muscles
  • Calves
  • Achilles

What is downward dog good for?

Benefits of Downward Dog pose are as follows:
  • Downward Dog energizes the entire body
  • It  stretches your hamstrings, shoulders, calves, and spine 
  • Helps in fighting fatigue and depression
  • Improves blood flow all across the body

How to do Downward Dog:

  1. Start in a kneeling position on your yoga mat and keep your hands directly under the shoulders, keep the fingers spread wide
  2. Now slightly tuck your toes under and try to engage your abdominals muscles as you push your body up off the mat so that only the hands and feet are on the yoga mat
  3. Try to press with your hands and move your chest toward your thighs and your heels toward the mat

Hold this position at least for 30 seconds. Then repeat. Slowly with practice try to hold for 60 seconds.

Check out:

3. Cobra Pose 

This workout is great for strengthening your upper spine and neck muscles.

What is the cobra pose good for?

Benefits of Cobra Pose:
  • It helps in opening the lungs and stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion
  •  Cobra help in reducing stress and fatigue
  • It tones the shoulders, abdomen, butts, and helps to ease the pain of sciatica

How to Do Cobra Pose in Yoga

  1. Start by lying face down on your yoga mat and keep the head in a slightly lifted position and the hands placed under the shoulders
  2. Point your toes making sure that the top portion of your feet is in contact with the mat
  3. Now, as you exhale slowly, press through your hands and raise your body off the mat until slowly, Keep your arms straight
  4. Keep your gaze upwards and hold this position for a 20 seconds and come back to your starting position
  5. Keep your abdominal muscles engaged.  And see that your legs remain stuck to the ground and is not lifted off

Repeat this pose for two more times.

4. Crescent Lunge

How do you do Crescent Lunge pose?

  1. Start in a normal standing position and then move your left foot to a step back on the mat. Keep your feet slightly in a little bit more wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Now slowly raise both of your arms straight overhead
  3. Bend your right knee to a right angle or at a 90 degrees angle.
  4. Relax your upper body and continue lengthening the back leg.

Hold 30 seconds and then switch sides

5. Pigeon Pose


How to do Pigeon Pose:

  1. Start in a plank position.
  2. Now slowly tighten your abdominals and pull your right knee toward your right hand while keeping your right foot close to the left hand
  3. Try to place and maintain your back leg long in a stretched avatar while keeping your hips relaxed
  4. Breathe normally and hold this position for about 30 seconds. Step back into the starting position and then switch sides

6. Windshield Wiper

This yoga is great for

  • external hips
  • lower back 
  • relieve sciatica

How to do Windshield Wiper

  1. Start with your back and knees bent, with your feet flat on  the yoga mat and keep your arms stretched to the sides
  2. Now slowly lower your knees to the left portion of the body and place it gently on the ground. Keep your vision at the right and remember to breathe slowly.
  3. Now slowly involve  your abdominals and pull your knees back to the starting position
  4. Now again place your knees to the right and look towards the left…

Hold this position for 30 seconds.

7. Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3)

This one is another of my favorite poses!

What muscles are used in Warrior 3?

The Warrior III workout helps in strengthening the back portion of your whole body, especially the 
  •  shoulders
  • hamstrings
  • calves
  • ankles
  • Lower back.

This yoga pose also helps in toning and strengthening the abdominal muscles

 Warrior III improves overall balance, the posture of the body and imparts a positive effect on more or less all parts of the body. 

How to do Warrior III yoga pose:


The Tree Pose

This yoga is very simple to do and helps in enhancing body stability. Keep your posture straight throughout this workout.

How to do the Tree Pose:



You should always end your yoga workout session or any workout session for that manner by doing Savasana. After doing all these workouts you should relax your mind as well as your body. This yoga pose will allow you to lower your blood pressure while calming your nerves.

  • Just lie down on your back, keep your hands on your side and be fully relaxed.
  • Keep the eyes closed and breathe normally. Be in this state for 3 minutes to as long as you want.

Check out:

If you liked this list then feel free to leave a comment below involving

  • which yoga poses out of this list you like the most?
  • And on what topic would you like me to write my next article on?

Thanks for reading…


Yoga poses for flexibility

yoga poses

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